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In this video, you will learn all you need to know to start winning trades using the support and resistance trading strategy. Time tested and proven to be profitable, support and resistance have provided me with some of my best trading opportunities, and today, I want to share my exact process to catching those trades! Enjoy!

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this video, you will learn how each circle works and the best trading strategy to be used in them
Every investment made in the market, be it forex, stock, cryptocurrency, digital and fiscal currency, must go through these phases of investment cycle.

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In this video ,five most powerful candlestick patterns trader must know, we show you the practical candlestick patterns trading strategies.
candlestick patterns are used by many traders, to identify high probability trading setups, enabling them profit from bullish and bearish markets


Created 5 months, 1 week ago.

3 videos

Category Business & Finance

Trading is a science because you need to follow certain rules to make it to the Top.
Emotional control, sticking to trading plans, efficiently managing risks and becoming an expert in a specific strategy are necessary steps in becoming a successful and profitable trader.
Always keep learning, test yourself, believe in your skills, and avoid the traps of over confidence and over trading in order to stay in the game for many years to come. That is why in #Xandafxt we teach you how to trade forex and help you build a sustainable business career in trading.